Sunday 10 April 2016

Posters and Comicon News!

Hi guys! Welcome back

So, as I mentioned to you guys last week, albeit very much in passing, as I was talking about my external work at the time, but next Sunday is Stoke Con Trent, based in, well, Stoke. lol. Well, me and Nadia are going to be there selling our work, so if you're in the area and you're interested, come check us out!

This is one of the posters that was designed for Stoke Con, with art from all the talented people in my course, with characters from their respective comics, including one of mine! Which was one of the things I was working on this last week. Since I will be selling Susanoo over at Stoke Con, I thought it best to use him to represent my art this time. Here's a close up of the image I contributed:

Its been fun drawing Susanoo things again. I enjoyed it when I was working on that comic after all. Though I can certainly tell where I've grown as an artist since then. Perhaps I'll revisit it one day. But I'm glad I got the opportunity to draw him again!

My caricature I did is also represented on another Stoke Con Poster too! Though I unfortunately don't have the picture of that just yet to show you. Maybe next time?

Speaking of things I did this week, I finally got the first draft of Dreamwalkers 2 script done. Its very basic at the moment, with only vague stage directions (so to speak) and mostly dialogue. Though I might go through a few drafts, to be sure that the dialogue flows naturally and that it wont get boring for the reader. Once I've done that, I can start thumbnailing for it. Woot!

Not much else to report for now! But next week I'll be covering how we did at Stoke Con and any other new news I can think of.

Until next time!


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