Monday 18 April 2016

Stoke Con: Post Con

Hey Guys, welcome back!

So, as I mentioned last time, I was at a convention this weekend (main reason I'm posting today, rather than my usual Saturday/Sunday post. Though for those of you that have been following me on Twitter (@chosha_kurenai) or have been following the TanraStudios Twitter (@Tanra626) then you may have been privy to our live tweets about the event. As we were there as TanraStudios, we were also blogged a few times on the Tanra blog.

The Tanra Studios blog usually covers our comic work and conventions as if we were in 'verse with our joint creation, Pandora, so its a funny, comedic twist on events. So if you want to read up on the adventures of Agent N (Nadia) and Agent T (me), then you should check us out here:

Though for those of you who want the less 'in verse' version, then I'll update you guys here too!

So, not much to report on the week before we headed off to the convention. We were mainly preparing for the convention, making sure we had our prints and our new leaflet promoting Tanra Studios.

Similar to the website designs we're working on, we went for a joint style - meaning I did the base sketches of Rodessa from Pandora, and Rem from Dreamwalkers, while Nadia completed the line art and colour. We took some of them with us to Stoke Con, while the rest we have at a few shops that were happy to take some of them. It's certainly interesting to see Rem in our joint style, since its the first time we've done it with him, but it's cool seeing him in Pandora colours as well!

So, armed with our fliers, badges, prints and comics, we were ready for Stoke Con

Truthfully we weren't in the best place - we were on an upper floor in part that had the least amount of through traffic, so we didn't do as well as at True Believers, but it wasn't a flop, either. Our lucky Dip went well - someone even got the gold prize too! And we also sold a couple of prints, a comic or two and badges. Our main draw (literally in this case) was in the commissions, though. I managed to sell four sketched commissions and Nadia got a digital one as well.

Here's the one's I did :)


Undertale seemed to be the main commission asks - though it might be because I had some example sketches up showing Undertale characters I doodled - but I also did a picture of someone's cosplay as well. It was pretty cool. They even let me take pictures with them too.

They were fun - I enjoyed doing the commissions. Everyone was really nice as well, so I'm glad they were happy!

Either way, we had fun, though admittedly my back was killing me afterwards - it was worth it, though!

I believe our next convention is in June, but I'll talk more about that one a little closer to the time

But if anyone following us saw us over at the Stoke Con, I want to thank all of you for coming to check us out! It means a lot to us!

Updates from me should be back to normal now, and I'll be talking more on Sunday about more Dreamwalkers and anything else I have been working on, so hope to see you soon!

Until Next time!


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