Sunday 24 April 2016

Posters and Previews

Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, with Stoke Con finished with last week, I've been getting back to work on Dreamwalkers part two. I have also been working on a few other things as well.

At the end of May, my uni is hosting the Degree Show for all of us who are graduating from the Cartoon and Comic course, so we've been doing some work towards that. I have mentioned it in passing before. We'll have a space set up for ourselves in the Uni, where our best art work will be presented, along with our comics. The first part of Dreamwalkers will be making its first printed appearence there, too! I'm excited!

One of the things we needed to do was to create a brochure to advertise ourselves somewhat. One of the things that I worked on for the brochure was what has pretty much become my mascot these days.

Basically a big Luphin!

Since I'm pretty un-photogenic, or I at least don't have any good photo's of me, its likely the Luphin will represent me in the brochure.

Does me drawing this thing so often mean I'm obsessed...?

Well, either way, I suppose since I draw it so often it practically represents me at this point. lol

We're also currently raising money for the degree show, so some of the money made at the last con is going towards it, for printing costs etc.

On a slightly unrelated but related (since Dreamwalkers is involved) note, I've started on the thumbnails for Dreamwalkers part two and currently have up to 25 pages planned out (which, unless I'm working it out wrong, is roughly half, if not a third of the second chapter. Well, I did think it was going to be a long one.

I can't show you all of them (for spoiler reasons) but I can show you a few of the thumbnails.

Sorry they're so rough. I'm really scruffy where my thumbnails are concerned, unfortunately. lol. But I guess so long as I can understand them, right? lol

Oh, lastly, I've started working on a second dreamwalkers print. So far I've only got the base sketch done, but I'm pretty sure it should come out well. I'm hoping to follow a theme of doing a print for each dreamwalkers character. 

I actually like the idea for this one - assuming I don't mess up his hair, or course. Curly hair can be a little difficult at times (so of course I have to have curly haired main characters. lol)

Either way, I do hope they come out well. I'll give you more updates there as I go along.

Until next time!


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