Sunday 1 May 2016 getting nervous?

Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, we've hit May. Its a bit of a scary thought as deadlines are starting to come up. Not to mention that it'll be really soon that the Degree Show will be on us as well. May is going to be busy for all of us, especially since as well as our deadlines we also have to help clear out the space we'll be using for our show and help build it up, too. I'm hoping to take pictures as we go along, so you can see what we're up to.

But that will be then, and this is now. So! What I've been up to this passed week.

Well....admittedly less drawing than I would like. I haven't really done much more on the comic, mainly as I've been working on some little things like trees for backgrounds, mainly to be used in Pandora, but I'll likely use them in Dreamwalkers at some point. I'm rather proud of those background trees.

Most of the week has been spent on advertising. In one of my posts last month I showed the poster that Nadia and I worked on together. Basically we went to various places to see if they would stock them for us. We've had agreements so far from an Art shop, a Forbidden Planet store and a branch of Waterstones. We just have to get more of them printed. We ended up getting some quotes and found a place that, as well as being able to print our comics professionally, will also print of fliers as well, which would be mega useful to us. Once we got those printed out again, we'll be going on a flier spree, so to speak. lol

One thing I have been working on is a new poster/print for Dreamwalkers. It's currently still being done, so its not finished just yet (I need to mess with the colours a little to be sure that everything stands out from the background. But, if you'd like a preview of the print so far, then here is a screenshot of it!

So, similar to one of my last prints, this one is of one of the Dreamwalkers cast - this time, Somnus. Is it odd that I both enjoyed drawing, yet despised doing his hair? weird, huh? Still, I do like how its coming out so far, but there is still a lot of room to play with this, parts to finish so the lightning is correct, lights and shadows to play with a bit more. If there's no major interruptions, I should be able to finish it next week and hopefully get more thumbnails done for Dreamwalkers 2.

In the words of Undertale, enclosing deadlines fill you with determination!

As such, I should hopefully have a lot more to tell you when we see each other next.

But, until next time!


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