Sunday 8 May 2016

Degree Show - It's Coming Soon!!!

Hey guys! Welcome back!

Not much to show you in way of pics today (sorry about that) but many an update to share.

Firstly, a Dreamwalkers update! Sketch work on part two is coming along well, but oh boy! I've already hit 40 pages and its not done. Part two looks like it'll certainly be longer than part one. I'm estimating it to be about 60 or so pages, depending on how the fight scenes go. Still, having fun with it. Would love to show you some, but at the moment its a bit spoilery - you would only see small thumbnails. But suffice to say, its coming along well.

Part One will be making its first appearance during the Degree Show at Staffordshire University.

Yes, the Degree Show is coming up really soon now (Our hand in is the end of this month, with the show coming up in June and Graduation coming up in July!) and we've all been helping towards it this week. We've cleared out the room we'll be using in preparation, and soon we'll be setting the whole place up for our things to be displayed.

Its a scary thought! Where has all the time gone!? I guess time must be as they say - it grows wings and flies off just to give people with deadlines things to worry about. lol

Still, I'm looking forwards to it as well. I'm currently having a think of what pages I want to show on the wall. Most of them I have in mind, but I just need to shorten my short list.

I'll be mostly covering how things are going with the degree show on the build up, and talking about a couple of cons we have lined up the next few weeks, but I'm hoping to give more lovely pictures in those times too, rather than only reading me ramble. We have brochures being made and posters being put together after all!

I'm also hoping to be setting up a online profile soon, too. I'm hoping to give you all links to that when its finished.

So, busy times currently and to come! I hope you all keep supporting me! :)

Until next time!


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