Saturday 16 July 2016


Hey everyone! Welcome back!

This week has actually been rather busy for me. It was time for Graduation! Puhuhuhu!


Thankfully, for all that I have drawn Monokuma (such as this one here) and often times I draw myself in my Monokuma hoody, the 'Graduation' I'm talking about is thankfully not the Danganronpa form of graduation. No, I actually Graduated from Staffordshire University, having studied BA(H) Cartoon and Comic Arts, with a First Class! I was so happy, especially since part one of Dreamwalkers was actually my final project on the course. I've come such a long way in three years 

(If you check out my DeviantArt page you can certainly see the difference between what I used to do (just sketch work) and the things that I produce now)

So, on the Friday just gone, I attended my Graduation! I even took some pictures, which I hope you'll enjoy:

The ceremony was quite fun - It was funny to see someone run with a selfy stick when there name was called to photograph himself with Lord Stafford, and thankfully I didn't fall on my face going onto, or leaving, the stage, so it all went quite well! Though admittedly I almost hit one of my classmates with my hat when we threw them. Oopsy? Thankfully I caught it before I accidentally shuriken-ed them in the head with it. lol.

Unfortunately it did rain after the ceremony, so I unfortunately couldn't get any more outdoorsy pictures. Its a shame - Trentham Gardens has some lovely views.

My week also had a bit of a bad turn with the funeral of my nana, however. I suppose you could say it was a bit of an 'up-down' kind of week. She'll certainly be sorely missed by all of us. Thankfully, the ceremony was nice, friends and family attended to say goodbye and there flowers were pretty. My Nana, unfortunately, didn't get to see my Graduation, but I'm pretty sure if she had, she would have been proud of me. She always was fond of my drawings when I was younger. I'm sure she would have enjoyed my Graduation too.

On another note of Graduation, I also graduated into becoming an Aunt. My older sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. 

Tabitha, as she is named, is now about a week and a day old as of this post, and I also got to meet and hold her during this week. She was so small, but adorable. I'm happy for my sister and partner and hope that I can be a good Aunt to her :)

That wasn't all I was up to this week either! I also 'Graduated' another year old - it was my birthday on the 13th. Admittedly I didn't do too much - I went out for a meal with family and went to visit my sister, held my niece for a while and had a relaxing day playing on some new games I got and planning my new laptop to help with my art - my current one is pretty old now (nearly ten years) and is slowly dying - I literally burn my finger on the mouse-pad at times because the fans don't work well, and this is even with a cooling pad! - so I think a new one is due). But still, it's not your birthday every day, right? (Although we have many Unbirthdays, lol) And even if I didn't seemingly do too much, I had a great day. :)

Honestly, it's been a busy week of many kinds of graduations, both good and bad. That's how one Graduates in Life, I suppose? But thankfully, this busy week has been mostly filled with good things and with very supportive friends and family. 

So, I shall be starting the next chapter of my life, and hopefully with many more 'graduations' to come.

So, until next time!


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