Saturday 9 July 2016

TanraStudios: GoFundMe Campaign, Start!

Hey, everyone! Welcome back!

So, this week I mainly want to talk about the GoFundMe campaign that was set up by the Studios that I'm part of - TanraStudios. For those of you who are new or just not aware, myself and Nadia Williams created a UK Manga publishing house, mostly leaning towards the supernatural and mythical, where we will be producing our comics for the public. We currently have four titles we have produced, these being:

Susanoo (created by myself, Tara Washington), a retelling of a Japanese myth with a few little twists The legend of a mysterious man teaming up with the supposed Damsel in Distress in order to save a town from a deadly monster.

Unbound (by Nadia Williams), a test for succession between sons of a youkai clan to fullfil the wish of their father, the current clan head. The test? To find a weapon as powerful as he is, and to find something precious to present before him, and one young mans quest to pass his father's test.

Dreamwalkers (By myself), where dreams become nightmarish real, a group known as SOS fights the monsters of the mind, within the dreams themselves. (which is currently the main title that I'm working on, and unlike the other two, is an on running series)

Pandora (currently drawn by Nadia Williams, but is a joint effort between the two of us), the story of a supernatural detective agency, keeping the balance between man and the mystic. (and much like Dreamwalkers, is also an on running series)

Currently, we've been funding these ourselves, but in order to publish the comics and new ones to come, produce merchandise and be able to get them to the public, we need a little help. 

As such, we have created a Go Fund Me account.

Of course, we know nothing comes for free and have also created gifts for those who donate certain amounts to the cause.

For all the details, you can find our campaign here:

It would help us greatly if you could help us out. But, even if you can't donate, if you could spread the word, then even that would be a big help. Of course, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact either of us.

Next time there will be pictures, especially as I have a busy week next week, including my birthday and graduation! so look forwards to it!

Until next time!


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