Monday 5 December 2016

Oneiros Types: Morpheus Class

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

In our exploration of the types of forms the Oneiros, the enemies in my Dreamwalkers comic series, we've covered two of the three main classifications - the Icelos and the Phantasos classes. If you haven't read those parts yet, I suggest you check them out first, to gain a full understanding of exactly what those types entail by clicking on the names of the classes.

For now, however, we'll be covering the last of the main three classes - the Morpheus Class.

Lets see how far down the rabbit hole this takes us, shall we?

Garbled version of the quote from Matrix-version of Morphius aside, no, this class is not named after him. Rather, similarly to the other two class types, this type also takes its name from Greek mythology. Along with Icelos/Phobetor and Phantasos, (and thousands of other much lesser known siblings), Morpheus was said to be one of the many children of Hypnos (though some also believe that Hypnos was a brother instead and that they were all children of the goddess Nyx). It is said that Morpheus was capable of shapeshifting into any human form (though his 'true' form was said to appear as a winged daemon) and could appear in dreams. During the medieval period, Morpheus and Hypnos become somewhat synonymous with each other, as Morpheus was also known as the god of sleep and dreams, similar to his 'father'.

A little extra trivia as well, the drug morphine's name also came from Morpheus.

In Dreamwalkers, Oneiros that fall under this classification will take the form of a human within dreams. Unlike the other types, who are more instinctual, Morpheus class Oneiros are capable of planning far more complex stratagies to entice or trap their victims, sometimes taking the form of loved ones, or will attempt to seduce the enemy into lowering their guard, similar to a succubus or Inccubus. Sometimes, they are even capable of mimicking the effects of other Oneiros types to lead on the dreamwalkers into going after the wrong target, allowing them to fulfil their goals. For example, by leading the 'prey' into an area that a landslide could be triggered. Due to the fact they take a human form, they could also blend into crowds with dream created people, or pretend to be just a part of the dream in order to stalk their prey. Due to their shapeshifting, they could also switch up their appearance, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly which dream-manifested-human is just part of the dream and which is the true target.

Morpheus types are usually not as physically strong as the more monstrous Icelos and not quite able to have the pure nature manipulation as the Phantasos, but due to their more humanoid natures, they are the hardest to pinpoint and to take down in the long run due to pure tactics.

Well, I suppose some people do say that humans can be the biggest threats of all.

So yes, the Icelos, Phantasos and Morpheus classes are the main three classes that the Dreamwalkers cast is likely to run into. However, this doesn't cover all Oneiros as a whole, as their are always discrepancies, even in nature. For now, however, those are the ones to know about in the series. :)

Still, I may cover those rare types at a later date.

Until next time!


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