Monday 26 March 2018

Devilish Sketch!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Do you remember that devil boy I did? I showed a few concepts for the comic idea where the characters were concerned and messed around with an idea including possible colours for him. Well, this time I actually have a poster idea for the guy!

Long story short, my devil dude is just kinda fun to draw. lol

But either way, a sketch became a poster idea (though the background for it is still a little up for debate) and thought hey, why not show him? I do hope to get it into full colour at some point as well, after all. So, here's what I got!

It's meant to be a kind of shot of him laying down, though since it only shows his top half and I haven't really put any indication in the background that he actually is lying down, such as creases like on the cloth under the sketchpad, so I suppose it currently looks like he just flung his arms behind his head. lol.

Its possible I put in a few too many straps on the body, too, so on the digital version I may need to play with that a bit too, along with the straps themselves. The current straps don't look particually belt like, but likewise they dont quite have the 'click into place' thing I was going for. Still, the joys of digital means I can experiment without ruining the paper or the base drawing.

I may have mentioned that a few times in other blogs, but hey, bares repeating!

For those of you who work purely with pen, you have my upmost awe to pull off such works of art without messing up, let me tell you! Course, I might just be a bit too heavy handed as well. Still, you people have skill!

Still, if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to let me know! It's always good to see if there's room for improvement (believe me, there is always room for it! I'm always happy to learn new skills!)

Until next time!


Monday 19 March 2018

Dreamwalker Sketch!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Well, its been a while since I actually drew anything for Dreamwalkers, honestly, especially where one of the characters is concerned. The character in this case being the first of the female members of SOS, Ashling. Now, Ashling has been mentioned before and even one of her concepts has been shown. However, I never did a full body of her and, as with all the characters in Dreamwalkers, they are a bit more realistic in the fact they dont constantly wear the same outfits either. The outfit she wore on the initial picture is not the one she's wearing when she first shows up in the comic itself.

Today I'm showing the initial outfit, or at least its concept, in a full body sketch (though it doesn't have any facial detail as that wasn't the parts I was focusing on in the sketch. I was mainly working out her clothing).

This start outfit has gone through several versions, simple as it may seem at first glance. The reason for this was because in Ashling's debut, there were several scenes which would have been awkward had she been in, say, a skirt. For example, fighting scenes or dramatic angles might have resulted in unnecessary panty shots. I'll say this now that I usually very much dislike 'fanservice' just for the sake of it in very distracting parts when a scene is meant to be somewhat serious. I had then tried it with shorts underneath to match the dark top that is under her shirt, but the design made her seem more like a younger teen than a mid to older one. That or it looked a bit odd when also adding those boots to the equation. In the end, I wanted to go for a more 'tomboy' feel, and while her clothes could be school uniform-ish, it wouldn't be too difficult to make it more of a simple style rather than a uniform coloured oddly.

With this design, it ended up feeling more practical for action scenes that occur soon after her appearence, and allows her to have a bit more freedom of movement without needing to worry about accidentally flashing someone. Its not to say she'll never wear a skirt or dress, but at least for her first appearence I'd rather her at least get a awesome first showing rather than coming across as 'token girl who's only there for fanservice'.

Believe me, though, she is a fairly fun character to draw in action scenes and I'm really looking forwards to getting those full sized, detailed moments in production phase. But even at the thumbnail phase, she's fun if only because she gets to be sassy even without me adding words. lol!

On another note, I'm now on some sketched idea phase for the badges that TanraStudios hopes to implement. Twelve ideas in total, six being in the usual style, six being in Chibi form. I'm honestly looking forwards to it. All I'm waiting on at the moment is the dimensions to work towards so I know just what room I have to work in. Should be lots of fun to see what I end up coming up with. I've got a few ideas already that I hope will work. In the meantime, though, I'll be having a bit of practice on line weight and some interesting expressions for the characters. After all, I'll want to be sure to get the best sides on their faces if that's the main part of the drawing, right?

Until next time!


Monday 12 March 2018

Where Will You Be?

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Do you know when you dig through some of your old things in order to get better organised and get rid of old junk and you end up digging up some interesting things? I dont mean stuff like rubbish that should have been thrown away or old clothing that no longer fits in this case, but rather old work or pictures that you drew when you were younger. The kind that you look at and think 'Did I really do that?' or 'God, what was I thinking?!'

Well, as you can probebly guess from where I started from here, I was, indeed, looking through older stuff. Most of it was because I was looking for specific storyboarding for Dreamwalkers at the time, old notes, plans for later, that kind of thing. While doing so I actually found something I drew a while ago (during University) that was essentially one of those 'Where do you see yourself in ten years' kind of thing. I've done similar things at school, as I recall, although most of those were written things or just a single picture we would have to draw. This one we had 9 panels to essentially draw a 'day in the life story' depicting where you want to be in ten years.

It was only a pencil sketch and pretty rough, but it ended up being me getting ready, working on comics that are part of Tanra Studios and doing the 'handover' to Nadia, my partner in crime. (For those of you unsure, the story of Pandora in its comic form rather than the mini tales and hints given in the blogs that give additional info about the general world of the story, is done between Nadia and I, with the first volume currently being drawn by Nadia and will eventually come to me for volume two, then back to Nadia and so forth). It somewhat amused me, so I thought, hey, why not show it here? Who knows, maybe in ten years I can look back on it and see if what I hoped for is a reality at that point.

Please excuse it as it is a bit crumpled. Apparently old me needed to invest in a better folder. lol

Here's hoping that it isn't too faint. 

To be honest, doing a 'day in a life' comic strip wouldn't be a bad idea. Well, it wouldn't be daily as, honestly, I'm fairly boring, but I do sometimes hear fully stuff at the pub I work at (The amount of stupid questions or overheard conversations is rediculous) and my dog can be funny (And always cute). I also get to see my young niece fairly often too, so who knows, I might do some quick sketches. Maybe one day I can make a compilation of just silly real life scenarios. If nothing else, if I ever ran out of other things to do, I would end up with plenty of material for a short series :) I recall I contemplated doing a kids comic for a uni project once that was likely to be based around my dog Oscar and my late cat Toby (I miss the little fluff....), though in the end, due to page limits I ended up doing a short story who's main character ended up being one of the forerunners (and eventual sibling) for Rem in Dreamwalkers.

Still! More stuff for me in the future :) Still, it is curious to think of where we might be in the future, if we have dreams and/or ambitions we want to achieve, or if we have any plans at all. Where do you all think we'll be then? Well, whatever it is, we'll have to do our best. The future is only what you make of it, as they say (whoever 'they' are. lol)

Anyway, until next time!


Monday 5 March 2018

Feeling Moogle-d!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

This week I've been mostly focusing on a bit of self-research about social media. Despite having a bit of an online presence, admittedly it could be a hell of a lot better. I've just never been overly sure of what to write down on witter or Facebook that might be interesting other than maybe boring people to death chatting about what silly antics my pet dog has got up to or what I happened to eat that day.

Really, I'm not that interesting to be honest. Or at least I'm not good at on the spot tweeting because I second guess myself, since my blogs might not be interesting if I already mentioned everything before (Assuming I dont bore everyone to death with my rambling. lol)

Still, I do want to improve myself, and, if I look into it properly, it might also help out TanraStudios as well. Yay!

But either way, I admit I've not done too much this week in terms of my actual art because of that beyond a few silly doodles for badge ideas that really are in no state to be shown just yet.

On the other hand, I did find a doodle I did a little while ago. I remember that I was chatting with some friends on Discord and for whatever reason, we ended up discussing me as a Moogle (As in the little creatures from Final Fantasy games). Deciding to go a step further, I ended up doing a quick five minute sketch on the subject and ended up with this:

I have a bit of a habit of wearing things like hoodies and stuff, so I ended up just drawing the Moogle in the type of clothes I might wear, making its head 'fur' resemble my usual hairstyle (My hair is usually just pulled back like that because it really is a pain to deal with or takes hours to deal with. I honestly would rather be doing anything else than tame my hair. lol) and, if only to drive the point home in the sketch, I wrote the initials of my penname (Chosha Kurenai) on the ball on its head.

For a sketch that barely took a few minutes, I thought it came out pretty good. I might have to do a much more clean version at some point. lol. 

Admittedly, I've never really attempted to draw myself as an animal or something before, even if the Luphin is my mascot. Luphin, after all, is not me. But it is kind of interesting to think about what features you have that you can still transfer over to a non-human and have it still, if only slightly, resemble yourself. 

Of course, I doubt that, if I was an animal, I'd be a Moodle. I doubt I'd be one of my favourite animals either (Fox or Dragon, the latter if one is leaning into mythology). I'd probebly end up as a Sloth. Tara the sloth, what do you think? Might have to try drawing myself as animals at some point. Could be funny! Or a bit too literal? Who knows?

Until next time!
