Saturday 16 January 2016

Banners and Eternal Work

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

Well, this week Uni has started again, so there is lots of stuff that I'll be doing, and lots of things that I'll be talking about where Dreamwalkers are concerned, since I'm back to working on that. Another thing that I'll be doing is external work - so this includes competitions, commissions, Conventions....

Maybe I should call it the three Cs. lol.

Last week I mentioned about a banner I was working on to help advertise Dreamwalkers, and will appear mostly on the Tanra Studio website once its up. Still, I am rather proud of how it turned out. I did have to do some adjusting, as I realized I as working at too low a resolution by accident, but I adjusted the line art and neatened it up a bit.

It's nice that I got my banner done now. I hope that you guys like it as much as me:

It took me a few tries to think of a good blurb for it. I didn't want to reveal all the plot, but at the same time, I wanted it to sound interesting as well. Hopefully, I pulled that off! 

I also finally started getting some work done towards my competition piece, and decided what I want to do with it. I showed the sketch image some time before, and decided, due to how the story Bubblegum and Marzipan works is to make it seem like a photo that Bubblegum is looking at during his journey to save his brother.

I actually would have got further than basic flats of the two characters, but Manga Studio decided to crash and lost quite a bit of my progress. Guess I learned once again that saving every five minutes really needs to be a thing, Still, this is what I have so far!

I'm just hoping that my plan works. I'm going to be working on finishing that next week, as well as make my finalized plans for my work for my next module where Dreamwalkers is concerned, including posters, keyrings and badges etc. The colours used are taken from the colours used for the characters in the comic itself, or at least as close as possible. It still seems a bit weird at the moment, as the markings Bubblegum was supposed to have were part of what I lost when MS crashed. Still, will be adding those in soon and will show my finished work next week.

If any of you have any questions about an of this or anything to come, don't hesitate to ask me on or on my twitter @chosha_kurenai and I'll answer what I can. Minus spoilers, of course. lol

Well, looks like I'm going to be busy over this next month. I do hope you guys enjoy what's to come.

Until next time!


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