Sunday 3 January 2016

Happy (Belated) New Year!

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

So it is now the year 2016! Wow, time certainly flies. Sorry for this being somewhat belated, I've had a busy week with non-art related jobs, but I have been keeping up with art work as well.

One of the things that I have been doing, was the base sketches for the Pandora website. One of which I unfortunately had to redo, as it didn't quite fit into the correct sizing. It was a little difficult as I was struggling with a bit of artist block, but I did manage to do them. The Huxian one is as mentioned before, while I re-did Mizuki's and I drew the base sketch for Violet as well.

I thought these ones came out pretty well. Unfortunately, I seemed to hit a bit of a blank spit on Rodessa, though I wasn't entirely sure why. So the base sketch was mostly done by the character's creator, Nadia for that one, taking little bits from my base drawing. I do feel kind of bad that I couldn't get it to work out as I wanted it to.

Artist block is terrible. Blegh.

The now fully finished drawings are up on the Tanra Studio's DA page. A big special thanks to Nadia, since after the base sketches, it was her who did the final line art and colour.

You can find the finished sprites here:

Please give it a check out if you can!

In an effort to try and rid myself of artist block, I turned by attention to some other art, in case it was just that I needed to not focus completely on one thing. As such, I tried to draw other things in hopes it would help me to get back into being able to actually draw again.

The first was something of a fan art that I did a sketch of and might finish off at some point. It was in a different style to my usual work, so I thought that perhaps it might help inspire me somewhat, especially as I do need to keep my hand in 'Creepy'

It is, of course, unfinished as if I do do a fully digital version there is more I would add to it.

The drawing was from a game called 'Fran Bow', which has an interesting creepy atmosphere to it. If nothing else it might give me some inspirations for Nightmares for Dreamwalkers, or maybe even some help for Devil Contract, one of the other ideas I had been thinking of doing, had I not started on Dreamwalkers.

The sketch was this:

It did help a little, working on something unrelated to other things, yet still helping a little, I guess.

The other two things I was working on were to do with Deviant Art, rather than just sketch work to help me to re-find my drawing ability.

The first was I took part in an art exchange on Deviant Art with Unluckykuroneko, where we would each draw one of the other's characters from our DA selections. On my part, I worked with a character that they had made called 'Flit', who, from the info underneath the picture on DA of their version was that it was a 'Butterfly OC'.

I was rather pleased with how this came out, though admittedly my base sketch had one of her arms a bit too long. lol. Thankfully, I was able to change that before I began to work on it digitally. Unluckykuroneko was very happy with this and in the future appears interested in doing more art exchanges. It was quite interesting to do this with a character I didn't have a hand in actually creating, but I'm very glad that they liked it. 

If you want to see Unluckykuroneko's original version of Flit and o see how it looked in their art style, have a look here:

If nothing else, our art styles are very different, so I was really glad that things worked out well here.

Another thing I was working on was the competition entry that is for the end of this month for Fox Hat (I believe I mentioned it in one of my posts last month?). So far its just a sketch, but I think it's a good basis for what I'm hoping to get at once finished. It needs to be worked on digitally, but that is something I hope to get done soon. Still, this is what I have of it so far, for a sneak peek at my sketchpad line art:

Next week, now that the Christmas and New Years Rush is finally over at my bar job, I'm hoping to get the digital version of this picture done, along with another Pandora poster, maybe even making use of the original sprite that I never managed to use of Mizuki. Either way, my next Pandora poster is likely to be Mizuki's. I'm also thinking of doing something for Dreamwalkers as well, as admittedly, I was giving myself a short break there so that I wouldn't burn myself out. After all, I want the finished comic to be as good as I can get it!

This is, of course, if all goes well and I don't suffer from Artist block again.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. It was kinda stress inducing when you feel you can't draw. I do feel rather badly for it. But I think I'm over it. I think. Hopefully.

Good luck to me! lol

Anyway, hopefully I'll have some new picks to share with you all next week

Until then, have a Happy (if somewhat belated) New Year!


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