Saturday 23 January 2016

Ow Ow Ow...

Hi everyone! Welcome back!

Well, this week, its been rather productive for me where art was concerned. And painful. Not because of any writers block or artist block this time, though, but rather I've been getting wrist pains that feel very much like when I last got tendinitis on my left wrist last year. Only.....unfortunately, this time it's in my right wrist....and I'm right handed.


I'll be going to the doctors to get it checked out. Last thing I need is to have a busted wrist at the start of a new module, right? Especially if I want to get the first part of Dreamwalkers out for you guys.

Speaking of Dreamwalkers, one of the things I was productive with was creating the first of several posters for Dreamwalkers. I had the sketch done early on in the week, but I did line art and colour on the same day. (My wrist did not thank me for it. lol).

This is what I managed to do:

Still, I thought that it came out fairly well. Though admittedly, I was experimenting somewhat with the lightning here. I'm not entirely sure I managed to get the effect I was really going for - I'll be looking into lightning a lot more in the future, I think - I still liked how it turned out. Especially considering my wrist. lol

I also finally finished the image for the competition for Foxhat which I showed the flats to last time. I'm not amazing at backgrounds - they have never been my forte, so its nothing too interesting - I need to do a lot more background practice. Or at least for singular peaces look at background references like I sometimes do for my comics - it would make good practice if nothing else, but I like how the two characters turned out. I made sure to use the colours from the actual concept arts of Bubblegum and Marzipan, if only to try to keep the same feel to them, even if our styles are somewhat different.

I hope that I managed to get the personalities across in the colour. Marzipan is more outgoing from what I gather, with Bubblegum often trying to be somewhat macho and uncaring, even though he very much does love his brother. The picture almost came out as if they were posing for a photo. I also have an idea for a second entry, which came from that thought, buuuuuuut I dunno if I'll have time, since I do have many other things to focus on as well, not to mention the deadline coming up t the end of the month.

Last thing to mention was something I actually forgot to talk about last week. Oopsy! But it links with the sketches that I was doing for the sprites for the Tanra Studios Pandora website. We did some individual ones that would appear in the website, but to make it consistent, we decided to do a joint style picture for their group image, based on the posters Nadia did last year. So I had to do the sketches of the characters (individually, so that they can be moved around etch if needed) as if they were standing around/sitting on a large chair. I was so glad my artist block had finally gone! I was really pleased how they came out and I finally managed to draw Rodessa in a manner that didn't make me want to tear my hair out.

A sure sign that I have my drawing mojo back (even if my tendons seem to want to be as awkward as possible)

Anyway, here they are!

(in order - Huxian, Violet, Mizuki and Rodessa)

They are now all with Nadia, who will help turn them into the combined styles (I'll link you guys to it when its done!) but still thought I should probably share the originals, since I was fairly proud of them. Only think that really bugged me was Rodessa's boots. Not sure I got them right...But otherwise, I was fairly pleased!

Anyways, still got lots more to work on. I'm doing character expressions for the two characters I created out of the four (Mizuki and Huxian) as well as doing similar for Rem and Somnus for Dreamwalkers. I hope to create another poster idea if nothing else for Dreamwalkers, and maybe get started on some more pages. I also need to present what I'll be doing this module at uni too. Busy busy!

Should be fun though!

Till next time!


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