Monday 18 December 2017

Counting 'til Christmas!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

It's a week until Christmas! It barely seems any time at all since last Christmas, if I'm totally honest. Where on earth does the time go? It certainly felt like it's gotten away from me, either way, and all of a sudden, its a week until the day and I barely had any shopping done for presents. Admittedly, part of it was to do with the bad weather and paranoia that I would once again have an up close and personal meeting with the road or a pavement somewhere. Honestly, the ice has been horrific and its only finally started to clear up recently. I honest to god had to crawl across a road once because there was no way of staying on your feet because it had frozen over so badly. It was bad enough that even taxis refused to go down my street, because there would be no way to leave it. Ah, the problems with living on a cul-de-sac with a sloped entry road. But I digress.

Suffice to say, I had to put off shopping or risk my neck. I suppose I could do the more modern thing and go on the internet, but hey, I kinda like the experience of going around the shops. (Or maybe I just wasn't entirely sure it would get here on time because I'm an idiot. lol)

At the very least, with the ice finally melted for now, I've got at least half ready for Christmas, with only a few more things to get. Let's just hope there wont be a freak snow storm now just to toy with me. After all, I do need to be certain I have the best gift for my one year old niece.  Thankfully, I have a few ideas.

Eh, I guess even with a freak snow storm I'd risk it. She's too cute to miss a gift!

My ramblings aside, work is going to be pretty killer for me - Christmas time and bars tend to go hand in hand with busy, after all. So I'm not sure I'll actually have the time for that Christmas picture I had planed *Pouts* On the other hand, next post is actually on Christmas Day, and I'll finally be able to show off those projects I had been working on as Commissions, as they wont be spoilers any longer! Yay! So I do hope you look forwards to that!

Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful lead up to Christmas day!


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