Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hey everyone! Welcome back! To a very special blog today as well!

Yes, its Christmas! (Assuming that you all celebrate it, if not then its whatever holiday you celebrate today!) I hope that you've bee having a great day so far and continue to have a great rest of Christmas Day as well.

I know for my family, Christmas day has its own rituals, as many people have. Although this year could have started better for me (A head cold that might possibly be bordering on flu preventing me from getting more than a few hours sleep kind of puts a damper on things), but despite that, having my brother home for Christmas day, opening presents together while our dog enjoys his own presents and sniffing around the wrapping paper, going to the pub I work at for a Christmas day free drink before having an awesome Christmas dinner...well, certainly can't complain about that.

I'm pretty damned pleased with my presets, too. I'm apparently awful to buy for because I never know what I want, but everything was great! Plus it seems my family loved the presents I got them in return, so I'm really pleased as I'm not the only one difficult to buy for. lol. I think my favourite gift, though, was the Nintendo Switch I got. I've wanted it for a while but the price range prevented me from getting it before, but not only did I get the Switch, but also got Breath of the Wild as well, which I've been wanting to play since the switch, and the game, first came out.

All in all, I'd say I've had a great day. Though if this cough/cold/flu thing could leave any time soon I'd love that!

I know that my bar job is still going to be pretty damned busy for the next week as well. After all, it's the lead up to New Years (Hey, my next post is actually on New Years Day, too!). But hey, I have a family get together after work on Boxing Day, so I still have a lot to look forwards to as well. Still, I should have some time to think up some new years resolutions and speculate on how the year's been.

Still, the future is the future, the present is the present and Christmas is Christmas! So I hope that you all continue to have a great day. Happy Holidays everyone!

Until Next Time!


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