Monday 11 December 2017

Fighting Gravity (Gravity is Winning)

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

I'm not sure if you know or not, but this past week we've been having snow. Its not quite Christmas yet, but we already have the white....which is slowly turning into ice. Joy!

As you may have guessed from the title here, I've not exactly been keeping both feet on the ground very often. Seriously, I've fallen over about six times in the span of seven days, and I can't even blame it on being drunk or ill. I've just somehow managed to hit so many icy patches, it's ridiculous. Most of the time I've been ok, beyond bruised pride, though my recent fall scraped up my knees, jolted joins and generally given me lots of ouches. It's kind of silly, really, as I've dealt with snowy/icy weather before with shoes that had even worse grip than the ones I was wearing and still ended up staying on my feet.

I think gravity is trying to tell me something here....

Beyond feeling many a scrape and bruise to both body and pride, good news is that I finished the commissions that I needed to do before Christmas! By the sounds of it, the client is very happy with them, too. I'll be waiting a little to put them up online, however, since they are gifts from the client, so bare with me a while longer. I'll show you what has had my attention once Christmas day is over and I'm sure that I wouldn't be spoiling anything for anyone. :)

Hopefully, in the meantime, I'll stop falling over as well. I really don't want to bust up limbs so close to Christmas, especially when this is also the season that pubs tend to get pretty busy. I need to be available to work for those celebrating!

Speaking of Christmas, now my commissions are done, I should probably actually get around to Christmas shopping.....Yeah....I such at getting my own gifts ready on time. Wish me luck! I'm just hoping that gravity and ice decide to cut me some slack for a while so I can get those gifts. Tis the season for giving, after all. And that does not mean giving bruises, gravity!

Until next time!


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