Monday 2 April 2018

Take Two!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

Firstly, I hope everyone had a great Easter and didn't get trolled too hard for April first. I know that it's been busy for me over the weekend, since plenty of people want to go out over Easter and when everyone else is off, bar workers tent to, well, work. lol. Not only that, my dad retired and my family and I had a party for him. It was pretty fun, nice to see some of the family again and dad seemed to have a good time too, so a success all in all :) We even had a cake that was modeled after him to make it seem like he was lounging on a beach. It was almost a shame to cut into it, to be honest.

All that aside, I'm not sure if you guys remembered a picture I did back in June of last year (the blog was called 'Two For One' if you need a refresh of what that blog entailed) which was a portrait of a character named Shinobu done in a somewhat different style to what I normally use. Said style mostly relied on making shapes of colour and blending in to create the image. Well, I decided I wanted to have a go at redoing the image, but in my usual style. This meant doing the line art and going from there.

No real reason for it, but I wanted to see how different she might look, or if she was still recognisable as Shinobu in my usual style.

Admittedly, its not finished - like I said, bit of a busy week - but I did do the line art and flat colour, so thought I might at least show what I got so far.

Admittedly, wasn't too happy with the line art and needs some lights and shadows, but she's still pretty recognisable despite being in a different style. It's always good to see if a character made can still be identified even when the art is a bit different. Though it's unfinished, anyone got thoughts on the two styles? Or even have a preference?

Not to say it can't be improved on, of course. I'm pretty sure I could do a lot better. Still, for being done while short on time, I'm not complaining too much. Goes to show I should try and have more time dedicated to digital art to get a bit better with my line art, though.

Anyone else feel like, if they've not done much in way of drawing for a bit, you need to refresh to get back into the skill you had? Or get off days where you suddenly wonder if you could draw at all? Yeah, pretty much the issue here, I think.

Welp! Just means I should get in some practice before  really get back into Dreamwalkers and stuff.

Speaking of that, I'm currently working on the script for it. I wasn't entirely impressed with the previous version, looking back, especially since the chapter is supposed to be introducing SOS, so time for 2.0! Wish me luck!

Until next time!


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